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Furniture can be beautiful, well-made, or practical. But only once we have given them meaning are they truly valuable to us, as they become a self-evident part of our lives. That is our aspiration at more.

The objects by more have been designed and crafted to stay with their owners for years and even decades. They are inspired by clear ideas, surprising functions, and the timeless design of modern classics. Instead of dominating a room, our furniture creates freedom for individual configuration.

The fabrics we use come from Sweden, Italy, and England. Our virgin wool from New Zealand with natural ramie fibers is particularly beautiful to the touch.
Our leathers come from Germany, England, and Austria. They are tanned in Italy and died with soluble colors to maintain the natural character of the material. By using olive leaves, some of our leathers are tanned 100% ecologically.

All of our furniture is manufactured in Germany – in three locations in the North and in the Lower Rhine region. We have held long-lasting working relationships with these companies and greatly appreciate them for their superb accuracy and reliability.


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